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Stage-discharge equations list

Structure typology Structure geometry Structure type Flow regimes Name of equation Default flow coefficient Modules
Weir Rectangular Sharp-crested weir (notch) Free Poleni 0.4 Parallel structures, free flow weir stage-discharge laws
Sharp-crested weir (slot) Submerged Rajaratnam 0.9 Parallel structures
Sharp-crested weir (slot) Submerged Larinier slot to be defined by designer Parallel structures, cross walls, downwall
Sharp-crested weir (notch) Submerged / free Kindsvater-Carter & Villemonte α = 0.4; ß = 0.001 Parallel structures
Sharp-crested weir (notch) Submerged / free Villemonte 0.4 Parallel structures, cross walls, downwall
Sharp-crested regulated weir (notch) Submerged / free Villemonte 0.4 Downwall
Sharp-crested regulated weir (slot) Submerged Larinier slot To be defined by designer Downwall
Triangular Sharp-crested weir (notch) Submerged / free Villemonte 1.36 Parallel structures, free flow weir stage-discharge laws, cross walls, downwall
Broad-crested weir (notch) Submerged / free Bos 1.36 Parallel structures, free flow weir stage-discharge laws, cross walls, downwall
Triangular truncated Sharp-crested weir (notch) Submerged / free Villemonte 1.36 Parallel structures, free flow weir stage-discharge laws, cross walls, downwall
Orifice / Sluice gate handling free surface weir flow Rectangular Broad-crested weir (notch) / orifice Submerged / free Cemagref-D 0.4 Parallel structures, cross walls, pre-dams
Rectangular Broad-crested weir (notch) / orifice Submerged / free Cunge 1 Parallel structures, pre-dams
Rectangular Broad-crested weir (notch) / bottom gate Submerged / free Cemagref-V 0.6 Parallel structures, downwall, pre-dams
Orifice / Sluice gate Rectangular Sluice gate Free Free flow sluice gate 0.6 Parallel structures
Rectangular Sluice gate Submerged Submerged sluice gate 0.8 Parallel structures
Undefined Orifice Submerged Free flow orifice 0.7 Parallel structures, cross walls, downwall
Undefined Orifice Free Submerged orifice 0.7 Parallel structures

Table: Stage-discharge equations list

Relationship between water level and load

Most of the flow laws in this documentation refer to the water level or to the head. These two concepts are generally confused because kinetic energy is neglected (See the detailed calculation of the load in the tool ‘Free flow weir stage-discharge laws’). These quantities correspond to the difference in elevation between the upstream free surface \(Z_1\) or downstream \(Z_2\) and the base of the weir \(Z_{d}\).

We then have:

\[ h_1 = Z_1 - Z_{d} \]


\[ h_2 = Z_2 - Z_{d} \]

Sharp-crested or broad-crested weir?

Extract from CETMEF, 2005. Note on weirs : synthesis of flow laws at the right of weirs and spillways. Centre d'Études Techniques Maritimes Et Fluviales, Compiègne.

The type of weir is related to the flow at the right of the structure.

Indeed, the more the breadth of the crest of the weir is negligible compared to the upstream water height above it, the more the weir appears transparent to the flow and thus the sharper the crest of the weir appears.

On the other hand, the closer the upstream water line is to the weir crest, the greater the width of the weir appears in relation to the breadth of the water flowing over it and therefore the broader the weir crest appears. A weir in a river thus belongs to one of the three following categories:

  • sharp-crested weir
  • broad-crested weir
  • weir with undefined crest

In order to determine the type of weir studied, the following conditions must be verified:

  • if \(C < \frac{H_1}{2}\), then the threshold is sharp-crested;
  • if \(C > \frac{2H_1}{3}\), then the threshold is broad-crested.