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Cassiopée documentation v4.19.0
Newton method
Initializing search
Cassiopée documentation v4.19.0
Presentation of Cassiopée
Presentation of Cassiopée
Presentation of Cassiopée software
Principle of operation of a calculation module
Application parameters
Keyboard shortcuts list
Pipe flow
Pipe flow
Pressure loss
Lechapt and Calmon
Strickler formula
Distributor pipe
Open-channel flow
Open-channel flow
Uniform flow
Backwater curve
Upstream / downstream elevations of a reach
Parametric section
Section types
Manning-Strickler's formula
Parallel structures
Parallel structures
Parallel structures
Free flow weir stage-discharge laws
Cross walls
Device equations
Device equations
Stage-discharge equations list
Kindsvater-Carter and Villemonte formula
Submerged orifice formula
Free orifice formula
Submerged slot formula
Submerged weir formula
Free weir formula
V-notch weir formula
Truncated triangular weir formula
CEM88(D) : Weir / Orifice (low sill)
CEM88(D) : Weir / Orifice (important sill)
Cunge 1980 formula
Free flow sluice gate
Submerged sluice gate
Villemonte 1947
Fish ladders
Fish ladders
Number of falls
Dissipated power
Cross walls
Fish ladder
Nature-like fish passage with riprap in periodic rows
Rock-ramp fishpasses
Rock-ramp fishpasses
Rock-ramp fishpasses
Calculation of the flow rate of a rock-ramp pass
Compound rock-ramp fishpasses
Blocks concentration
Backwater curve for a rock-ramp fishpass
Rough bottom ramp
Baffle fishways
Baffle fishways
Baffle fishway setup
Baffle fishway simulation
Baffle fishways formulas
Plane baffles (Denil) fishway
"Fatou" baffle fiwhway
Superactive baffles fishway
Mixed / chevron baffles fishway
Crossability verification
Crossability verification
Fish ladders
Baffle fishways
Rock-ramp fishpasses
Predefined species
Downstream migration
Downstream migration
Loss of charge, water grid
Jet impact
Mathematical tools
Mathematical tools
Operators and trigonometric functions
Multi-module solver
Numerical methods
Numerical methods
Runge-Kutta 4
Euler explicit
Trapezes integration
Brent method
Newton method
Versions history
Legal notice and terms of use
Newton's method
See definition on Wikipedia